Golf can be a good walk for a good cause. This is the lesson to be learned from the Doherty and Palus families, whose ACCRF Golf Tournaments have raised more than $75,000 for adenoid cystic carcinoma research in just two years.
Fundraising can seem daunting, but the Doherty and Palus families have found a way to make it fun, an opportunity to “enjoy a great day of golf with friends” in the words of CJ Doherty. CJ and his wife Christine created the event in honor of Christine’s brother, Mark Palus, who has been living with ACC since his diagnosis in 2002 and has been active with ACCRF for many years. The families have been quick to redirect the spotlight to the sponsors and golfers who have contributed to their event’s success, yet their own efforts should not go unnoticed. So, on behalf of the larger family of patients and researchers, a sincere thank you to the Doherty and Palus families!