As a patient-driven organization, ACCRF acts with urgency and care to lay the foundation for success in achieving our mission. Better treatments come from rigorous clinical trials based on clear scientific understanding. Patients must support and drive a vibrant research community to discover a brighter future for those with ACC and their loved ones.

ACCRF implements a strategy focused on three goals:
- Building a community of interested researchers
- Sponsoring conferences focused on adenoid cystic carcinoma
- Involving multiple institutions in the foundation’s activities
- Establishing a clearinghouse of information and contacts for ACC-focused researchers and clinicians
- Developing and implementing an innovative plan of action
- Following the guidance of an exceptional Scientific Advisory Board
- Proactively initiating projects that conform to a coherent and logically-sequenced research agenda
- Accelerating research by contracting for deliverables within clear timeframes as well as ensuring rapid and broad sharing of research findings
- Engaging patients in support of research
- Providing quality information to patients living with ACC
- Informing patients of research developments and clinical trials
Research projects funded by ACCRF run the gamut from basic research through to preclinical drug screening of combined therapies and clinical trials. As shown in the diagram below, everything begins and ends with the involvement of patients.

ACCRF plans expansively and acts globally. Our network of grantees spans Australia, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.