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Peer Support

In addition to learning from the information on this site, you also may learn from the wealth of experience housed in the ACC patient community. Information from peer-to-peer groups should not substitute for the advice of an experienced physician, but it may provide useful perspectives and emotional support.


These groups include many ACC patients looking to connect and support each other:

ACC Organization International (Facebook)

ACC Sharing Info and Support (Facebook)

ACC Survivor Family and Friends (Facebook)

ACC Warriors (Facebook)

Salivary Gland Cancer UK (United Kingdom)

Macmillan Cancer Support: ACC Forum (United Kingdom)

Patiëntenvereniging Speekselklierkanker (Netherlands)

CORASSO (France)

ACCKT (Kids and Teens)

ACC – Breast (Facebook group for ACC of the Breast)

Primary Cutaneous ACC Support Group (Facebook group for ACC of the Skin)

Group of people sitting together outdoors